Cinnamon Roll Granola | Grain-Free, Low-Sugar

Aug 25, 2023

It's possible! Say hello to our irresistible Cinnamon Roll Granola—a delectable treat that captures the essence of your favorite baked delight while staying true to your well-being.

We're excited to share how this easy-to-make granola is a flavor-packed sensation and a versatile option that caters to a range of dietary preferences, from gluten-free and grain-free to raw vegan, vegan, and even keto-friendly. Let's dive into the magic of this wholesome creation that's as delightful as it is nourishing.


Dietary Diversity at its Best:

What makes our Cinnamon Roll Granola exceptional is its ability to cater to diverse dietary preferences, ensuring everyone can savor its scrumptiousness guilt-free. 

For those who thrive on a raw vegan or vegan diet, our granola fits right into your repertoire of plant-powered delights. It's a testament to the creativity of nature's ingredients, showcasing how they can come together to create a harmonious symphony of flavors and nutrients. And let's not forget our keto enthusiasts—our recipe offers a low-sugar option that aligns with your carb-conscious choices.

How to use:

  1. Classic Breakfast Bowl: Start your day by sprinkling a generous handful of Cinnamon Roll Granola over your favorite coconut yogurt or plant-based milk. The crunchy clusters and aromatic cinnamon blend will add a delightful crunch to your morning routine. Learn to make cultured coconut yogurt for your breakfast bowl here.

  2. Smoothie Boost: Elevate your smoothie game using Cinnamon Roll Granola as a nutritious topping. Simply sprinkle it over your smoothie bowl for an added layer of texture and flavor.

  3. Parfait Perfection: Create a scrumptious parfait by layering Cinnamon Roll Granola with your choice of yogurt or dairy-free alternative, fresh berries, and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup for an extra touch of sweetness.

  4. Snack Attack: Enjoy the granola straight from the jar as a satisfying snack, whether you're on the go, at work, or relaxing at home. It's a convenient and wholesome way to curb your cravings.

  5. Ice Cream Topper: Elevate your favorite ice cream or dairy-free frozen dessert by generously sprinkling Cinnamon Roll Granola on top. The contrast of temperatures and textures will create a delightful treat for your taste buds.

  6. Baking Buddy: Get creative in the kitchen by using the granola as a delightful addition to your baked goods. Incorporate it into muffin batters, sprinkle it on top of pancakes, or use it as a crunchy crumble for fruit crisps.

Here are the ingredients:

  1. Nuts and Seeds (Almonds, Pecans, Sunflower Seeds): Packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, and essential minerals, these nuts and seeds provide sustained energy and promote satiety. They also deliver antioxidants and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, supporting overall well-being.

  2. Coconut Flakes: Rich in healthy fats and fiber, coconut flakes provide a creamy texture and a touch of tropical flavor. They contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are easily digestible and can boost energy levels.

  3. Cinnamon: Cinnamon infuses your granola with a warm, comforting aroma and is also loaded with antioxidants, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It may help regulate blood sugar levels and enhance insulin sensitivity.

  4. Virgin Coconut Oil: This healthy fat source contributes to the granola's crunchiness and provides MCTs, known for their potential to support brain health, metabolism, and energy.

  5. Vanilla Extract: Beyond adding a delightful flavor, vanilla extract contains antioxidants and may have mood-lifting properties, offering a little extra joy to your day.

  6. Maple Syrup (or Keto-Friendly Sweetener): When used in moderation, maple syrup provides a natural, unrefined sweetness while supplying some minerals and antioxidants. Opting for a keto-friendly sweetener keeps your granola low in carbs and is suitable for your carb-conscious choices.

  7. Sea Salt: A touch of sea salt enhances the flavor profile and provides essential minerals supporting hydration and nerve function.

  8. Optional Add-Ins (Raisins, Dates, Nuts): Adding dried fruits like raisins and dates offers natural sweetness, dietary fiber, and vitamins. Nuts like walnuts can contribute omega-3 fatty acids to brain and heart health.

Combining these wholesome ingredients, your Cinnamon Roll Granola becomes a nutritional powerhouse catering to various dietary needs. It's a well-rounded blend that fuels your body with essential nutrients, satisfies your taste buds, and provides a comforting and convenient option for breakfast or snacking. Enjoy the benefits of each ingredient while relishing the delightful flavors that only whole foods can offer.


Own your health. It starts on your plate. 

Want more Energy, Vitality & PURE JOY? Embark on your journey to a healthier more vibrant YOU with these easy, delicious whole-food, low-carb, plant-based recipes

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